Equestrian Influence on Fashion Throughout History

Equestrian Influence on Fashion Throughout History

Equestrian Influence on Fashion Throughout History Equestrian culture has had a significant impact on fashion for centuries, particularly in the l...
Tahitian x Equestrian Collection

Tahitian x Equestrian Collection

Known for his leather and pearl line, Vincent Peach brings together his signature combo with equestrian-inspired designs in his newest collection – giving us timeless, luxury pieces for our everyday lives.
A Mother's Day to Remember

A Mother's Day to Remember

In the midst of a global pandemic, life still goes on. Birthday candles are being blown out, Easter came and went, young scholars are finishing out their semesters in anticipation for summer, between moments of uncertainty there is laughter at the dinner table, and like every spring, a very special day is just around the corner.

Though Mother's Day this year will definitely not be like the rest, that doesn't mean it cannot be just as special ... and special it should be. 

Best in Show Look

Best in Show Look

We hope that wearing our jewelry reminds you of how strong and resilient you are even during the toughest times. Shop our Best in Show look.
Texas Antique Week

Texas Antique Week

It's one of our favorite times of the year! Antique Week is here and we have so many fun events for everyone to be a part of. Can't wait to see you there!